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6 empty beer cans, boxes of rubber bands
Number of Players: 4 + |
Players using
only their hands must shoot rubber bands and knock a pyramid of six beer
cans completely off a platform that is eight feet away. Players take turns
each with 8 rubber bands. The player to cause the cans to fall wins
and everyone else must consume a full glass of beer.
4 shot glasses, beer, a quarter, and two teams of people
Number of Players: 6 + |
Set up the four shot glasses
in a row going away from home base (the designated shooting spot for the
quarter). Each player on the visiting team takes turns shooting the quarter
at the shot glasses. The first glass represents a single, the second a
double, the third a triple, and the last a home run. Three strikes (misses
of all shot glasses) and you are out. Three outs and the other team is
up to bat. Game follows as regular baseball and runs are scored in the
same way (except that you have to keep track of the runners on base in
your head). Drinking happens in the following manner:
Fill the shot glasses with
beer. If a player makes the quarter into a shot glass (gets a hit),
he must drink the contents of the shot glasses behind the one he made.
For example, if he hits a single, he must drink the remaining three shot
glasses full of beer. If he hits a triple, he only has to drink one. If
he gets an out, he must drink all four. The opposite team must drink
for each run the other team scores.
Drinking Game
people, beer/alcohol
Number of Players: 5 - No limit |
A game that requires a little
bit of thought. Any player can start the game, all it takes is the
calling out of
a category. The next player
then has to say some that fits into that category. Play ends when somebody
repeats something that has already been said, or can't think of anything
new. The player at fault takes a drink, then play starts again with a new
category. Sample categories: States, Cars, Brands of Beer, Sexual
Brands of Cigarettes, Animals,
Colors, etc.
Shit Drinking Game
people, beer/alcohol
Number of Players: 4 - No limit |
Prior to the beginning the
game, everybody playing decides what type of "Shit" they are going to be.
Examples: He Shit, Book Shit, Car Shit, Dumb Shit, Coffee Shit, etc. Basically
anything can qualify as a type of Shit, including proper names, adjectives,
and so on. One person starts the game by saying, "Who Shit, <another
player's> Shit." Then the person who was called responds by saying their
own Shit followed by another player's shit. Example: You have four people
playing: Dumb Shit, Captain Shit, Sexy Shit, and Mystery Shit.
Dumb Shit begins:
DS: "Who Shit, Mystery Shit"
MS: "Mystery Shit, Sexy
SS: "Sexy Shit, Mystery
MS: "Mystery Shit, Captain
This continues until either
somebody fails to immediately respond when called, or somebody calls on
a non-existent shit. The person who screwed up then takes a drink and starts
with "Who Shit."
beer, cups, ping pong balls, table
Number of Players: 4 + |
Divide into two teams of
two. Arrange the cups of beer on either side of the table like you
are setting up bowling pins. You should have at least six cups on both
sides. Each team takes a turn by trying to get the ping pong ball into
the other team's cups. If they succeed the other teams must drink that
cup. The cup is then removed and the rest of the cups are rearranged so
that they are close to each other. Each team alternates turns like this.
When all the cups on one side have been cleared the team that cleared them
wins and the other teams must finish any cups remaining on the winning
team's side.
playing cards, beer bottle
Number of Players: 2 + |
A standard deck of playing
cards is balanced on top of the neck of a glass soda bottle with the joker
placed on the bottom of the deck. Player must use his mouth to blow the
cards off the bottle. However, the bottom card must remain balanced on
the bottle. If the player blows the entire deck and all the cards fall,
they win and everyone must take a drink. If all the cards fall the
player has to chug all of his beer/cocktail. Player must keep hands
at their sides and may not touch the table, bottle or cards. To complete
the game, a lone Joker card must be atop the bottle remain in place for
three consecutive seconds.
full beer cans, 1 for each guest, empty box
Number of Players: 2 + |
Take one beer can and shake
it really hard - until it's about to blow up! Then put it in the box with
the others and mix them around so that nobody knows which one the shaken
can is. One player picks a can, holds it to his head at an angle,
and opens it. If it's not the one, he has to drink it. If it is the one,
he gets it!
beer/alcohol, playing cards
Number of Players: No More Than 6 |
Sit in a circle and deal
out the entire deck of cards evenly to each player. The object of the game
is to get rid of all your cards. Starting with aces, the first player lays
down the number of aces s/he has, stating the number of cards. If someone
thinks that you are lying, they say "Bullshit!" If that person is right,
you drink an amount proportional to the number of cards in the stack; lots
of cards already played equals lots of drinks. However, if you were honest
in your play and someone says "Bullshit!" that person ends up drinking
the prescribed amount. Play starts with aces, then goes on accordingly,
through kings, then repeats back to aces. If have to drink because
of either being caught bullshitting or falsely accusing, in addition to
drinking, you must also pick up all of the cards already played and add
them to your hand. Play continues until someone runs out of cards.
beer cans, banana, string
Number of Players: 4 - No limit |
A banana is attached to
a string around the players waist, hanging 12" from the ground. 6 beer
cans are placed on the ground in a semicircle 8' away from the player.
Using only the banana, the player must knock down all cans in 1 minute.
Player who is able to complete wins a prize.
people, beer/alcohol
Number of Players: 10 |
All players sit in a circle.
One person goes first. The player makes "wiggly Viking horns," simply thumbs
in, or near, ears and wiggles the remaining fingers for a second or two,
then claps both palms together, and points them at any other player. This
player then does the "Viking horns," but the player on each side of the
"Viking" must "row the boat." This entails rowing to whatever side of the
Viking the player is sitting on; right of the Viking rows right, left rows
the boat left. The Viking then claps both palms together and designates
another Viking. This continues until either the designated Viking misses
his cue, or either rower fails to row the boat in the appropriate direction;
whomever fails drinks, and then that person resumes play with "the horns."
people, beer/alcohol
Number of Players: Unlimited |
A fun game is to ask the
bachelor which of the two he would rather hook up with. Have everyone guess.
Everyone who is wrong has to take a drink.
or MaryAnn?
Rubble or Wilma Flinstone?
Jan or
Marsha Bradey?
Jolie or Jennifer Anniston?
Hatcher or Eva Longoria?
Spears or Beyonce Knowles
Simpson or Christina Aguilera?
Lohan or Paris Hilton?
Bundchen or Milla Jovovich
Come up with your own.
beer/alcohol, deck of cards
Number of Players: 3+ |
Each player is dealt one
card that they can not look at. They must place the card on their foreheads
so that everyone else can see the cards. That means you can see everyone
card but your own. The dealer begins by betting that he has the highest
card and stating how many drinks he wishes to bet. Players who don't think
they can win fold and take as many drinks from their beer that the current
bet is at. The player who ends up losing with the lowest card with the
lowest card must drink the total of the bets.